Work 2001-2006 Crystal World 2005Sculpey, wire, Quartz crystal, Epsom saltsApprox. 15cm in height Doppelgänger II 2005Sculpey, wire, acrylic paintEach skeleton approx. 17cm in height Diorama II ( installation view)2005Steel, acrylic, wax, plant materials, lacquerPlants approx. 15-40cm in height. Stands 174cm, 159cm and 144cm in heightExhibited at the NGCA Diminishing Birds2005Sculpey, wire, acrylic paintLargest bird 14cm in height, smallest bird 7cm in height Yggdrasil2006Plant materials, crustacean shells, wire, acrylic paint, epsom saltsExhibited as a part of The Miniature Worlds Show, Jerwood Space