I am currently taking part in the exhibition Body & Mind: Seen and Unseen at the National Centre for Craft and Design.

Opening Friday 31st January 2020, 6-8pm, all welcome. Exhibition showing from 1 Feb- 19 April
In discussion with Grant Gibson about my practice and vellum. Listen at Material Matters with Grant Gibson Laura Youngson Coll on vellum
The Woman’s Hour Craft Prize touring exhibition will be showing at The Lighthouse, Glasgow 30 March- 26 May 2019
The Woman’s Hour Craft Prize touring exhibition will be showing at Chester Visual Arts, Chester 30 Nov 2018- 16 March 2019
The Woman’s Hour Craft Prize– workshop at The Make Space, Bristol Museum, 18 September 2018. Join me while I demonstrate and discuss some of the techniques and materials involved in my work. All welcome. The exhibition runs from 7th July-2nd Sept. 2018
The Jerwood Makers Open will be showing at the Pier Arts Centre, Orkney 24th March- 9th June 2018.
Woman’s Hour Craft Prize – I am thrilled to announce I am one of twelve artists shortlisted for this prize. The resulting exhibition will show at the Victoria and Albert Museum from 7th Feb 2017- 5th Feb 2018 before touring UK wide.
Jerwood Makers Open will open at the Jerwood Space, London 17th June 2017. Exhibition runs from 28th June – 27th August 2017
Jerwood Makers Open 2017. I am very happy to announce I have been selected as one of five makers for the Jerwood Makers Open 2017.
Jerwood Visual Arts
Dangerous Discoveries– Biddulph Grange Gardens
Just taken down the work at Biddulph. All the pieces survived despite one of them spending a National Trust season in a damp Ice House! Thank you to everyone involved.
Read a review by Anna Francis Dangerous Discoveries
Collect Talk- Nature and Place
I will be talking about my work and in conversation with Angus Ross and Adam Buick, chaired by folk singer Sam Lee. Collect, Sunday 10th May, 2.45pm
I will be showing work as part of the Contemporary Applied Arts exhibit at Collect in May 2015. Very exciting!
Biddulph Grange Garden National Trust Project June -Nov 2015
I am one of five artists commissioned to make work in response to this incredible Victorian garden, Biddulph Grange Garden
Working title for the project is Dangerous Discoveries and my pieces will be based around the obsessive orchid collecting of one the garden’s designers James Bateman. I will soon start a blog detailing the project
Make, Create, Cultivate Symposium
I will be in conversation with Deirdre Figueiredo and Thomas Appleton about the ‘Make the Most’ Project as part of the Make, Create, Cultivate Symposium
As part of the Perrier-Jouet Arts Salon Award you can see an exhibition of my work at Contemporary Applied Arts
Champagne Perrier-Jouët Arts Salon Prize 2014
I am excited to announce I have won the Perrier-Jouët Arts Salon Prize 2014. As part of the prize I will be exhibiting at Contemporary Applied Arts from the 25th June. Further details to follow.
Select 2014 at Newark Park
I will be exhibiting at Newark Park, an extraordinary National Trust property which was originally a fifteenth century hunting lodge, as part of SIT Select 2014 from 23rd April until 8th June.